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Welcome to the Clearasil blog. Your resource for expert advice and skincare tips on how to prevent, treat and get rid of acne fast.
How to Get Rid of Stubborn Acne
Are you tired of stubborn acne? Discover the formula to fight breakouts and prevent stubborn pimples.
Treat Dry Skin With Winter Skin Care Tips From Clearasil®
There are a lot of fun things about winter, dry skin is not one of them. Yay to the snowboarding, snow days and snowball fights that come with the season....
Learn How To Avoid Skin Damage From Tanning
Don't be shy with the SPF. Seasons change, and your skin is right there along with it. So while you're getting ready for the pool parties and BBQs, your skin...
Healthy Skin Tips
If you've got it, flaunt it. Your skin should always be looking and feeling its best. Even after months of hibernating for the winter. Spring is one of the best...
Get Cold Weather Beauty Tips From The Hannah Teter Interview
By Leah Melby, realbeauty.comon February 6, 2012 Tired of battling cold and dry winter weather? If you think your beauty blues are bad, imagine the life of snowboarding gold medalist...
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