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Welcome to the Clearasil blog. Your resource for expert advice and skincare tips on how to prevent, treat and get rid of acne fast.
Why Do We Get Hormonal Acne & Teen Acne?
Breakouts are nearly impossible to avoid in your teen years. Kind of like bad break-ups, embarrassing moments, and Algebra. Life would be so much easier without any hormonal acne. We...
Healthy Skin Tips
If you've got it, flaunt it. Your skin should always be looking and feeling its best. Even after months of hibernating for the winter. Spring is one of the best...
Foods For Healthy Skin
Maybe you’ve heard this tip before and thought “Big deal, what are boring fruits and veggies going to do for my skin?” Take a moment to learn about how diet...
Find Out How To Get Healthy Skin
We know eating healthy sounds about as exciting as going to the dentist. But if we told you that it could actually help you achieve healthier skin, maybe it's not...
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