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Treat Dry Skin With Winter Skin Care Tips From Clearasil®

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There are a lot of fun things about winter, dry skin is not one of them. Yay to the snowboarding, snow days and snowball fights that come with the season. Boo to the cracked, dry skin that sneaks in with it. But don’t hide behind your scarf just yet! Check out these great tips for winter skin care and a season full of great times and great skin.

A Little Help from the Humidifier

Heaters may keep us warm and toasty, but they also suck the moisture out of the air. Use a humidifier to add moisture back in the air and to help keep your skin from drying out. A small humidifier should do the trick to help keep your skin from drying out.

Get to the Bottom of it

Take it up a notch with a stronger foot cream in the winter to help keep your feet soft. Look for lotions that contain petroleum jelly or glycerin. Remember to exfoliate to remove dead skin so that moisturizers can sink in.

It’s in Your Hands

Ever feel like your hands start to resemble alligator skin in the winter? The skin on our hands is thinner than the skin on most other parts of the body. It also has fewer oil glands, so our hands tend to lose moisture quickly. Take extra care to lather up with lotion. And don't forget to wear gloves when you go outside!

There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Moisture

Moisturizing helps keep your skin smooth in the winter. Some moisturizers that work in the spring and summer might not keep your skin as soft in the winter. As the season changes, look for oil-based ointments. The oil creates a protective layer that helps retain more moisture than water-based creams and lotions. You can also look for lotions formulated with 'humectants' – including glycerin, sorbitol, and alpha-hydroxy acids – that help attract moisture to your skin.

Sunscreen Isn’t Just for Summer

Many people think that sunscreen is only for summer. But just because it's cold outside doesn't mean the sun's harmful rays go away. The winter sun and snow glare can also damage your skin. Make sure to apply a sunscreen with at least 30 SPF about 30 minutes before going outside. And whether you're on the slopes or at a football game, remember to reapply frequently if you're outside for a long time.


Davis, Susan. "10 Winter Skin Care Tips." WebMD. Ed. Louise Chang. 2007.


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