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If you've got it, flaunt it. Your skin should always be looking and feeling its best. Even after months of hibernating for the winter. Spring is one of the best times of the year with loads of things to look forward to, from prom to summer break to nights out on the town with your friends, and everything in between. You don't want to miss out on any of it, which is why we're going to help you prepare for the busy season ahead with these tips to keep you and your skin feeling and looking healthy all along the way.

1. Keep it Clean

It’s important to get into the routine of washing your face in the morning and at night just before you go to bed. This helps remove most of the oil and dirt that accumulates during the night and throughout the day. We recommend using the Clearasil® Rapid Rescue Acne Kit to get in the habit of a daily skin care routine.

2. Don’t Forget Sunscreen

We’ve all heard how important it is to use sunscreen when the sun is out in full force. But UV rays can still make their way through the clouds on days when the sun is nowhere to be found. To help keep your skin safe, we recommend using an oil-free sunscreen of SPF 15 or greater. If you’re looking for something that gives you nice coverage without requiring additional foundation, you may want to try a tinted sunscreen. This is also a good choice for guys who want to tone down acne-related redness.

3. Eat the Right Foods

Believe it or not, what you eat is just as important as what you don’t eat. Substitute unhealthy foods – like burgers and fries – with fresh vegetables and fruits. Also try organic products. Certain foods can set off the acne process for some people.

4. H2O Often

Now that you’ll be spending more time outside, your body can lose moisture. It’s important to replenish regularly with lots and lots of water. Not only will this help keep your skin soft, it will also help keep your skin moisturized.

5. Show Some Love

Your skin takes quite a beating during those cold winter months so it definitely deserves a little TLC. One way to do this is to exfoliate. Clearasil® Daily Clear® Daily Facial Scrub and Ultra Rapid Action Face Scrub have exfoliating beads that do a great job of cleaning your skin as well.


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