Breakouts are nearly impossible to avoid in your teen years. Kind of like bad break-ups, embarrassing moments, and Algebra. Life would be so much easier without any hormonal acne. We don't want you spending your teens unnecessarily worrying about your skin anymore than you do. And with the help of Clearasil® and these tips especially for teens, you won't have to:
Don’t worry – you are not alone in having teen acne so don’t let it spoil your life. There are some great products out there and so there’s plenty of ways you can work towards clear skin.
For boys, shaving can be an issue – use a sharp razor, then you don’t have to press hard on the skin. Shave around pimples to avoid cutting the skin, and give your skin a rest during weekends.
Don’t over-use wash products – they will fight your zits when just used morning and night. Using them more often will just irritate your skin and lead to dryness and redness. You are at a time in life when your skin will appear more oily and this is normal.
Do use a scrub product two or three times a week instead of your normal wash. They are great for giving a deep clean and removing dead skin cells leaving you with great looking skin.
Do take a bit longer to properly cleanse your skin, rinsing well in warm water (not hot) and patting your skin dry with a fluffy towel. This is because too much rubbing and too hot water will lead to red, blotchy skin which can result in more breakouts.
Avoid over-using foundation to cover breakouts. This can lead to pore blocking and a cycle of spot formation and foundation use. If you want to use foundation, look for a product that is "non-comedogenic" (i.e., won’t block pores).
It’s official – diet is not related to getting spots, and so the occasional treat of chocolate or chips will not lead to breakouts. However making sure you eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and salads is enough to supply lots of vitamin C that your skin needs to keep healthy.